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بیوگرافی مختصر دکتر غلامرضا جهانشاهلو و معرفی مقالات و آثار ایشان

زندگینامه پروفسور غلامرضا جهانشاهلو

پروفسور غلامرضا جهانشاهلو

نام: غلامرضا جهانشاهلو (Gholam reza Jahanshahloo)
تولد: 1322 اراک
دکترای رشته ریاضی کاربردی از دانشگاه لندن غربی در سال 1355
گروه: علوم پایه / رشته: ریاضیات / گرایش: ریاضیات کاربردی
دکتر غلامرضا جهانشاهلو در سال 1322 خورشیدی در اراک متولد شد. ایشان دارای دکترای رشته ریاضی کاربردی از دانشگاه لندن غربی در سال 1355 است. وی عضو هئیت علمی دانشگاه تربیت معلم و دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی با درجه استاد پایه 32 می باشد.
غلامرضا جهانشاهلو پس از دریافت ششم ابتدایی، سه سال به کارگری روی آورد و ترک تحصیل کرد. پس از آن در سن شانزده سالگی مجددا مقطع دبیرستان را شروع و ادامه تحصیل دادند. وضعیت مالی خانواده غلامرضا جهانشاهلو به خاطر نفوذ مالکین مناسب نبود ولی با این همه مشکلات او توانست به بالاترین سطح علمی برسد.
غلامرضا جهانشاهلو تا ششم ابتدایی را در محل تولد خود - سمقاور - از توابع روستای اراک گذراند. تحصیلات بعدی او به ترتیب زیر است:
- دیپلم ریاضی در سال 1343در اراک
- کارشناسی ریاضی در دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد در سال 1346
- کارشناسی ارشد ریاضی محض از موسسه ریاضیات در سال 1348
- کارشناسی ارشد ریاضی کاربردی از انگستان در سال 1351
- دکتری ریاضی کاربردی از دانشگاه لندن غربی در سال 1355
استادان و مربیان: مرحوم غلامحسین مصاحب و مرحوم دکتر اسماعیل از استادان غلامرضا جهانشاهلو بودند وی از آنها به عنوان اثر گذارترین افراد در زندگی خود یاد می کند.
غلامرضا جهانشاهلو بعد از احراز مدرک دکتری رشته ریاضی به عضویت هئیت علمی گروه ریاضی دانشکده علوم پایه دانشگاه تربیت معلم تهران در آمد. وی هم اکنون با سمت استاد پایه 32 در انجا مشغول به انجام خدمت است.
دکتر جهانشاهلو متاهل و دارای همسری بنام فریده جمشیدی است و چهار دختر و یک پسر دارد.
چگونگی عرضه آثار:
دکتر غلامرضا جهانشاهلو دارای بیش از 100 مقاله و ده ها کتاب (تالیف و ترجمه) می باشد که در اینجا به برخی از آنها اشاره می کنیم:
An algorithmic method to extend TOPSIS for decision-making problems with interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Izadikhah

Extension of the TOPSIS method for decision-making problems with fuzzy data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Izadikhah
Applied Mathematics and Computation 181 (2), 1544-1551    2006

A complete efficiency ranking of decision making units in data envelopment analysis
S Mehrabian, MR Alirezaee, GR Jahanshahloo
Computational optimization and applications 14 (2), 261-266     1999

Efficiency analysis and ranking of DMUs with fuzzy data
SM Saati, A Memariani, GR Jahanshahloo
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1 (3), 255-267      2002

A super-efficiency model for ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis
S Li, GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 184 (2), 638-648       2007

Linear bilevel programming solution by genetic algorithm
SR Hejazi, A Memariani, G Jahanshahloo, MM Sepehri
Computers & Operations Research 29 (13), 1913-1925      2002

Extension of TOPSIS for decision-making problems with interval data: Interval efficiency
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, AR Davoodi
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (5), 1137-1142      2009

A new DEA ranking system based on changing the reference set
GR Jahanshahloo, HV Junior, FH Lotfi, D Akbarian
European Journal of Operational Research 181 (1), 331-337      2007

A note on some of DEA models and finding efficiency and complete ranking using common set of weights
GR Jahanshahloo, A Memariani, FH Lotfi, HZ Rezai
Applied mathematics and computation 166 (2), 265-281  2005

Measure of efficiency in DEA with fuzzy input–output levels: a methodology for assessing, ranking and imposing of weights restrictions
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, E Nasrabadi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 156 (1), 175-187      2004

Ranking using l 1-norm in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied mathematics and computation 153 (1), 215-224      2004

A ranking method based on a full-inefficient frontier
GR Jahanshahloo, M Afzalinejad
Applied Mathematical Modelling 30 (3), 248-260    2006

Sensitivity and stability analysis in DEA with interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lofti, M Moradi
Applied Mathematics and computation 156 (2), 463-477    2004

An assurance interval for the non-Archimedean epsilon in DEA models
S Mehrabian, GR Jahanshahloo, MR Alirezaee, GR Amin
Operations Research 48 (2), 344-347      2000

Computational and theoretical pitfalls in some current performance measurement techniques; and a new approach
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo, S Abbasbandy
Applied mathematics and computation 181 (2), 1199-1207      2006

Suitable combination of inputs for improving outputs in DEA with determining input congestion: Considering textile industry of China
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi
Applied mathematics and computation 151 (1), 263-273      2004

Ranking of units by positive ideal DMU with common weights
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Khanmohammadi, M Kazemimanesh, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 7483-7488      2010

Measuring the multi-component efficiency with shared inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, AR Amirteimoori, S Kordrostami
Applied Mathematics and Computation 155 (1), 283-293    2004

An alternative approach for equitable allocation of shared costs by using DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, M Sanei
Applied Mathematics and computation 153 (1), 267-274       2004

Undesirable inputs and outputs in DEA models
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 169 (2), 917-925     2005

Modified MAJ model for ranking decision making units in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, L Pourkarimi, M Zarepisheh
Applied mathematics and computation 174 (2), 1054-1059     2006

Selecting symmetric weights as a secondary goal in DEA cross-efficiency evaluation
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, Y Jafari, R Maddahi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (1), 544-549    2011

On the estimation of returns-to-scale in FDH models
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo, M Reshadi
European Journal of Operational Research 174 (2), 1055-1059    2006

Sensitivity and stability analysis in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh, N Shoja, M Sanei, G Tohidi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 169 (2), 897-904    2005

Finding strong defining hyperplanes of production possibility set
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, HZ Rezai, FR Balf
European Journal of Operational Research 177 (1), 42-54      2007

A model for ranking decision making units in data envelopment analysis
A Memariani, GR Jahanshahloo
Ricerca Operativa     2001

A generalized model for data envelopment analysis with interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, MR Malkhalifeh, MA Namin
Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 (7), 3237-3244      2009

Determining assurance interval for non-Archimedean element in the improving outputs model in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 151 (2), 501-506      2004

Finding the piecewise linear frontier production function in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Zohrehbandian
Applied Mathematics and Computation 163 (1), 483-488       2005

A review of ranking models in data envelopment analysis
F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, ...
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013     2013

Inputs/outputs estimation in DEA when some factors are undesirable
GR Jahanshahloo, AH Vencheh, AA Foroughi, RK Matin
Applied Mathematics and Computation 156 (1), 19-32    2004

Multi-component performance, progress and regress measurement and shared inputs and outputs in DEA for panel data: an application in commercial bank branches
GR Jahanshahloo, AR Amirteimoori, S Kordrostami
Applied Mathematics and Computation 151 (1), 1-16     2004

The outputs estimation of a DMU according to improvement of its efficiency
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 147 (2), 409-413  2004

A simplified version of the DEA cost efficiency model
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, A Mostafaee
European Journal of Operational Research 184 (2), 814-815    2008

A note on simulating weights restrictions in DEA: an improvement of Thanassoulis and Allen's method
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh
Computers & operations research 32 (4), 1037-1044      2005

Target setting in the general combined-oriented CCR model using an interactive MOLP method
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, A Ebrahimnejad, M Soltanifar, ...
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 234 (1), 1-9     2010

Ranking of decision making units in data envelopment analysis: A distance-based approach
A Amirteimoori, G Jahanshahloo, S Kordrostami
Applied mathematics and computation 171 (1), 122-135      2005

Estimating returns to scale in data envelopment analysis: A new procedure
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh
Applied Mathematics and Computation 150 (1), 89-98     2004

A cross-efficiency model based on super-efficiency for ranking units through the TOPSIS approach and its extension to the interval case
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, FH Lotfi, MRM Goudarzi
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (9), 1946-1955      2011

Finding strong defining hyperplanes of PPS using multiplier form
GR Jahanshahloo, A Shirzadi, SM Mirdehghan
European Journal of Operational Research 194 (3), 933-938      2009

Ranking DMUs by ideal points with interval data in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, V Rezaie, M Khanmohammadi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (1), 218-229   2011

Using input–output orientation model for determining most productive scale size in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi
Applied mathematics and computation 146 (2), 849-855     2003

A method for finding common set of weights by multiple objective Programming in data envelopment analysis
F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, A Memariani
Southwest journal of pure and applied mathematics 1, 44-54     2000

Using Monte Carlo method for ranking interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, FR Balf, HZ Rezai
Applied Mathematics and Computation 201 (1), 613-620   2008

On FDH efficiency analysis with interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, RK Matin, AH Vencheh
Applied Mathematics and Computation 159 (1), 47-55     2004

Input estimation and identification of extra inputs in inverse DEA models
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 156 (2), 427-437     2004

Relationship between MOLP and DEA based on output-orientated CCR dual model
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Soltanifar, A Ebrahimnejad, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (6), 4331-4336       2010

A feasible interval for weights in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, A Memariani, F Hosseinzadeh, N Shoja
Applied Mathematics and Computation 160 (1), 155-168      2005

One DEA ranking method based on applying aggregate units
FH Lotfi, AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, M Reshadi
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (10), 13468-13471    2011

Nonsmooth multiobjective optimization using limiting subdifferentials
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 328 (1), 281-286      2007

A one-model approach to classification and sensitivity analysis in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 169 (2), 887-896     2005

Using Monte Carlo method for ranking efficient DMUs
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, HZ Rezai, FR Balf
Applied Mathematics and Computation 162 (1), 371-379       2005

A complete efficiency ranking of decision making units: an application to the teacher training university
S Mehrabian, MR Alirezaei, GR Jahanshahloo
Computational Optimization and Application 14 (2), 261-266      1998

A linear programming approach to test efficiency in multi-objective linear fractional programming problems
FH Lotfi, AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, A Payan
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (12), 4179-4183     2010

Estimating most productive scale size with imprecise-chance constrained input–output orientation model in data envelopment analysis
R Eslami, M Khodabakhshi, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Khoveyni
Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (1), 254-261      2012

Ranking efficient DMUs using the Tchebycheff norm
FR Balf, HZ Rezai, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (1), 46-56     2012

Centralized resource allocation for enhanced Russell models
FH Lotfi, AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, J Gerami, MR Mozaffari
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 235 (1), 1-10     2010

A comment on “A fuzzy DEA/AR approach to the selection of flexible manufacturing systems”
GR Jahanshahloo, M Sanei, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, H Saleh
Computers & Industrial Engineering 56 (4), 1713-1714      2009

Ranking DMUs by l 1-norm with fuzzy data in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, R Shahverdi, M Adabitabar, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 39 (5), 2294-2302       2009

A method for generating all efficient solutions of 0-1 multi-objective linear programming problem
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh, N Shoja, G Tohidi
Applied mathematics and computation 169 (2), 874-886     2005

On return to scale of fully efficient DMUs in data envelopment analysis under interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, RK Matin, AH Vencheh
Applied mathematics and computation 154 (1), 31-40       2004

Finding weak defining hyperplanes of PPS of the BCC model
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, D Akbarian
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (11), 3321-3332    2010

Returns to scale in multiplicative models in data envelopment analysis
M Zarepisheh, E Khorram, GR Jahanshahloo
Annals of Operations Research 173 (1), 195-206      2010

Review of ranking models in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Sanei, MF Jelodar
Applied Mathematical Sciences 2 (29), 1431-1448    2008

A DEA approach for fair allocation of common revenue
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Moradi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 160 (3), 719-724     2005

A new method for measuring congestion in data envelopment analysis
AA Noura, FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, SF Rashidi, BR Parker
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 44 (4), 240-246   2010

Using the gradient line for ranking DMUs in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Sanei, FH Lotfi, N Shoja
Applied mathematics and computation 151 (1), 209-219    2004

Super-efficiency in DEA by effectiveness of each unit in society
AA Noura, FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, SF Rashidi
Applied Mathematics Letters 24 (5), 623-626      2011

An enhanced procedure for estimating returns-to-scale in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh
Applied Mathematics and Computation 171 (2), 1226-1238     2005

Sensitivity analysis of inefficient units in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, AG Abri, MF Jelodar, KJ Firouzabadi
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (5), 587-596    2011

Egoist’s dilemma with interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, S Sohraiee
Applied Mathematics and Computation 183 (1), 94-105      2006

A method for detecting influential observation in radial DEA models
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 147 (2), 415-421      2004

Discriminant analysis of interval data using Monte Carlo method in assessment of overlap
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, FR Balf, HZ Rezai
Applied Mathematics and Computation 191 (2), 521-532     2007

Sensitivity and stability analysis in data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh, N Shoja, M Sanei, G Tohidi
Journal of the Operational Research Society 56 (3), 342-345      2005

A linear bilevel programming problem for obtaining the closest targets and minimum distance of a unit from the strong efficient frontier
GR Jahanshahloo, J Vakili, M Zarepisheh
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 29 (02), 1250011     2012

Sensitivity analysis of efficient units in the presence of non-discretionary inputs
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Esmaeili
Applied mathematics and computation 190 (2), 1185-1197      2007

On the computational complexity of cost efficiency analysis models
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, A Mostafaee
Applied mathematics and computation 188 (1), 638-640     2007

Cost efficiency analysis with ordinal data: A theoretical and computational view
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, A Mostafaee
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 84 (4), 553-562     2007

Non-discretionary factors and imprecise data in DEA
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Esmaeili
International Journal of Math Analysis 1 (5), 237-246      2007

Sensitivity of efficiency classifications in the inverse DEA models
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied Mathematics and computation 169 (2), 905-916    2005

Right and left returns to scales in data envelopment analysis: Determining type and measuring value
R Eslami, M Khoveyni
Computers & Industrial Engineering 65 (3), 500-508     2013

An MOLP based procedure for finding efficient units in DEA models
FH Lotfi, AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, J Jablonsky, MR Mozaffari, ...
Central European Journal of Operations Research 17 (1), 1-11       2009

Efficiency measurement of multi-component decision making units using data envelopment analysis
GR Eslami, M Mehralizadeh, GR Jahanshahloo
Applied Mathematical Sciences 3 (52), 2575-2594       2009

On Pareto (dynamically) efficient paths
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, M Reshadi
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 83 (8-9), 631-635     2006

A comment on “Measuring super-efficiency in DEA in the presence of infeasibility”
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo, AA Foroughi
European Journal of Operational Research 170 (1), 323-325       2006

Malmquist productivity index with interval and fuzzy data, an application of Data envelopment analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, HB Valami
International Mathematical Forum 1 (33), 1607-1623      2006

A method for generating all the efficient solutions of a 0-1 multi-objective linear programming problem
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 21 (01), 127-139   2004

Threshold value for the number of cells in group technology
MA Sobhanallahi, GR Jahanshahloo, GR Amin, E Shayan
Computers & industrial engineering 42 (2), 231-236      2002

Recognizing strong and weak congestion slack based in data envelopment analysis
M Khoveyni, R Eslami, M Khodabakhshi, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 64 (2), 731-738       2013

Using the minimum distance of DMUs from the frontier of the PPS for evaluating group performance of DMUs in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, J Vakili, SM Mirdehghan
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 29 (02), 1250010     2012

Finding common weights based on the DM's preference information
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, A Alinezhad, SA Naghneh, ...
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (10), 1796-1800      2011

Computation of congestion in DEA models with productions trade-offs and weight restrictions
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, FH Lotfi, RM Goudarzi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (14), 663-676     2011

Returns to scale and scale elasticity in the presence of weight restrictions and alternative solutions
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo, S Mehrabian, M Hasannasab
Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (2), 86-93       2010

An alternative approach in the estimation of returns to scale under weight restrictions
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Esmaeili
Applied mathematics and computation 189 (1), 719-724      2007

Cost efficiency and cost Malmquist productivity index with interval data
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, R Shahverdi, M Rostamy-Malkhalife
International Mathematical Forum 2 (9), 441-453        2007

Efficiency analysis, generating an efficient extreme point for an MOLP, and some comparisons
GR Jahanshahloo, AA Foroughi
Applied mathematics and computation 162 (2), 991-1005       2005

Performance Evaluation for Global Virtual Teams (GVTs): Application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
MR Hosseini, N Chileshe, P Ghoddousi, GR Jahanshahloo, A Katebi, ...
International Journal of Business and Management 8 (19), 122   2013

New methods for ranking decision making units based on the dispersion of weights and Norm 1 in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, PF Shahmirzadi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 65 (2), 187-193       2013

A new method for ranking non-extreme efficient units in data envelopment analysis
AG Abri, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, MF Jelodar
Optimization Letters 7 (2), 309-324      2013

Measuring human development index based on Malmquist productivity index
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, AA Noora, BR Parchikolaei
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (62), 3057-3064      2011

Finding the reference set of a decision making unit
GR Jahanshahloo, A Shirzadi, SM Mirdehghan
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 25 (04), 563-573   2008

Cost efficiency measurement with certain price on fuzzy data and application in insurance organization
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M Alimardani Jondabeh, ...
Appl. Math. Sci 2 (1), 1-18       2008

Optimal and strongly optimal solutions for linear programmingmodels with variable parameters
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo
Applied mathematics letters 20 (10), 1052-1056     2007

Notes on sensitivity and stability of the classifications of returns to scale in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Zohrehbandian
Journal of Productivity Analysis 23 (3), 309-313      2005

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with integer and negative inputs and outputs
GR Jahanshahloo, M Piri
Journal of Data Envelopment Analysis and Decision Science 2013, 1-15      2013

A fuzzy chance constraint multi objective programming method in data envelopment analysis
F Hossainzadeh, GR Jahanshahloo, M Kodabakhshi, F Moradi
African Journal of Business Management 5 (33), 12873       2011

Scale elasticity and returns to scale in the presence of alternative solutions
M Soleimani-Damaneh, GR Jahanshahloo, S Mehrabian, M Hasannasab
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 233 (2), 127-136      2009

Equitable allocation of shared costs on fuzzy environment
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, T Allahviranloo, E Noroozi, AAH Lotfi
International Mathematical Forum 2 (65), 3199-3210      2007

A new approach for efficiency measures by fuzzy linear programming and application in insurance organization
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Alimardani
Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 (14), 647-663       2007

Finding a weights-restricted efficient (extreme) point and using it for solving MOLP problems
GR Jahanshahloo, AA Foroughi
Applied mathematics and computation 150 (1), 203-211       2004

Characterizing and finding full dimensional efficient facets in DEA: a variable returns to scale specification
M Davtalab Olyaie, I Roshdi, G Jahanshahloo, M Asgharian
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (9), 1453-1464   2014

Modified Malmquist productivity index based on present time value of money
F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, G Jahanshahloo, M Vaez-Ghasemi, Z Moghaddas
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013      2013

Expansion of Bessel and g-Bessel sequences to dual frames and dual g-frames

Periodic efficiency measurement for achieving correct efficiency among several terms of evaluation
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Vaez-Ghasemi, Z Moghaddas
International Journal of Operational Research 18 (1), 1-15     2013

Confidence Intervals for DEA Models Efficiency Scores by Bootstrapping Method
S Ebadi, GR Jahanshahloo

Efficiency and benchmarking in the presence of undesirable (bad) outputs: A DEA approach
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, R Maddahi, Y Jafari
International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research 1 (2), 178-188     2012

A new ranking method based on cross-efficiency in data envelopment analysis
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, P Zamani
African Journal of Business Management 5 (19), 7923     2011

Data envelopment analysis with imprecise data
GR Jahanshahloo, S Abbasian-Naghneh
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (61-64), 3089-3106      2011

Finding DEA-efficient hyperplanes using MOLP efficient faces
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, MR Mozaffari, J Gerami
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235 (5), 1227-1231     2011

Proposing a new model on data envelopment analysis by considering non discretionary factors and a review on previous models
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, AG Abri, MF Jelodar, KJ Firouzabadi
Mathematical and Computational Applications 15 (3), 344-353     2010

Efficiency and effectiveness in multi-activity network DEA model with fuzzy data
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, AR Vahidi, A Dalirian
Applied Mathematical Sciences 3 (52), 2603-2618     2009

Using a certain linear ranking function to measure the Malmquist productivity index with fuzzy data and application in insurance organization
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, H Nikoomaram, M Alimardani
Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 (14), 665-680     2007

Discriminant analysis of imprecise data
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, FR Balf, HZ Rezai
Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 (15), 723-737      2007

Ranking DMUs with fuzzy data in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M Adabitabar Firozja, ...
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci 2 (5), 203-211     2007

Revenue Malmquist Productivity Index and application in bank branch
M Navanbakhsh, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, Z Taeb
International Mathematical Forum 1 (25), 1233-1247     2006

A method for finding efficient DMUs in DEA using 0–1 linear programming
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi
Applied Mathematics and computation 159 (1), 37-45     2004

Estimation of efficiency and infinitesimals in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M Zohrehbandian
Mathematical and Computational Applications 9 (2), 299-302     2004

Determining an equitable allocation of new input and output using Data Envelopment Analysis
G Jahanshahloo, A Amirteimoori, S Kordrostami
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 46 (1), 66-73     2003

An extended slacks-based measure model for data envelopment analysis with negative data
M Mohammadpour, F Hosseinzadeh-Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo
Journal of the Operational Research Society 66 (7), 1206-1211    2015

Calculating super efficiency of DMUs for ranking units in data envelopment analysis based on SBM model
E Zanboori, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, GR Jahanshahloo, N Shoja
The Scientific World Journal 2014     2014

Optimising proportional weights as a secondary goal in DEA cross-efficiency evaluation
R Maddahi, GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, A Ebrahimnejad
International Journal of Operational Research 19 (2), 234-245      2014

Directional closest-target based measures of e ciency: H older norms approach
GR Jahanshahloo, M Mehdiloozad, I Roshdi
International Journal of Industrial Mathematics 5 (1), 31-39   2013

Connected directional slack-based measure of efficiency in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Mehdiloozad, I Roshdi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (5), 237-246  2012

A slacks-base measure of super-efficiency for DEA with negative data
F Lotfi, AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, J Gerami, MR Mozaffari
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (12), 6197-6210      2010

An Alternative Algorithm for Detecting Anchor Points
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, F Moradi, F Jannati
International Mathematical Forum 5 (68), 3371-3377    2010

Data envelopment analysis of missing data in crisp and interval cases
L Tamaddon, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, MR Mozaffari, K Gholami
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 (20), 955-969     2009

Inefficiency evaluation with an additive DEA model under imprecise data, an application on IAUK departments
RK Matin, GR Jahanshahloo, AH Vencheh
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 50 (3), 163-177     2007

Ranking of DMUs on Interval Data by DEA
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, FR Balf, HZ Rezai
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences 2 (4), 159-166    2007

The overall assurance interval for the non-archimedean epsilon in DEA models
B Daneshian, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, T Allahviranloo, S Mehrabian
Mathematical and Computational Applications 10 (3), 387-393     2005

Finding the efficiency score and RTS characteristic of DMUs by means of identifying the efficient frontier in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Zohrehbandian
Applied mathematics and computation 170 (2), 985-993    2005

The identification of nondominated and efficient paths on a network
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi, S Razavyan
Applied mathematics and computation 169 (2), 866-873       2005

Measurement of congestion in the simultaneous presence of desirable and undesirable outputs
H Zare-Haghighi, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, GR Jahanshahloo
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014      2014

An extension of cross redundancy of interval scale outputs and inputs in DEA
F Hosseinzadeh-Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Mohammadpour
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013      2013

Characterizing and finding full dimensional effi cient facets of PPS with constant returns to scale technology
GR Jahanshahloo, I Roshdi, M Davtalab-Olyaie
International Journal of Industrial Mathematics 5 (2), 149-159      2013

On efficiency in convex hull of DMUs
M Soltanifar, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, SM Mansourzadeh
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (4), 2267-2278      2013

Ranking non-extreme efficient units based on super efficiency method in the presence of undesirable outputs: a DEA approach
G Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, R Maddahi, ...
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 6 (1), 83-95    2013

Sensitivity and stability analysis on the first and second levels of efficiency score relative to data error
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, SA Kharazmi, M Khanmohammadi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (12), 6132-6136       2012

An Interpretation of the Cost Model in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, SM Mirdehghan, J Vakili
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (2), 389-392      2011

Ranking extreme and non-extreme efficient decision making units in data envelopment analysis
G Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, MF Jelodar, AG Abri
Mathematical and Computational Applications 15 (2), 299-308      2010

A DEA approach to rank all efficient extreme and non extreme DMUs
FH Lotfi, A Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, M Reshadi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 4 (71), 3515-3521    2010

Ranking stochastic efficient DMUs based on reliability
GR Jahanshahloo, MH Behzadi, M Mirbolouki
International Journal of Industrial Mathematics 2 (4), 263-270      2009

Ranking bank branches with interval data by IAHP
TR Taziani, M Sanei, GR Jahanshahloo, J Jablonsky, MR Mozaffari
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 (17-20), 971-983      2009

Ranking DMUs by ideal points in DEA
V Rezaie, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Khanmohammadi
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 (17-20), 919-929     2009

Goal programming in the context of the assignment problem and a computationally effective solution method
GR Jahanshahloo, M Afzalinejad
Applied Mathematics and Computation 200 (1), 34-40     2008

Sensitivity analysis of CCR-efficient units in the presence of the indicator with limited source
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, H Bagherzadeh Valami
International Mathematical Forum 3 (29-32), 1457-1467     2008

Ranking Units in Data Envelopment Analysis by Pessimistic Weights
GR Jahanshahlooa, FH Lotfia, B Daneshianb, HB Valamia, Y Qolamib
Paper presented on the International Mathematical Forum 3 (2008), 1451-1455     2008

Classification of Decision Making Units with Interval Data Using SBM Model
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Esmaeili
Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 (14), 681-689    2007

New insights into cost Malmquist productivity measure
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, D Akbarian
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci 2 (12), 581-590    2007

Ranking DMUs with interval data using interval super efficiency index
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Izadikhah, M Esmaeili
International Mathematical Forum 2 (9), 413-420      2007

A Method for Finding a Common Set of Weight by Multiple Objective Programming in Data Envelopment Analysis
L Hosseinzadeh, GR Jahanshahloo, A Memariani
Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Forth-coming        2005

A method for solving 0-1 multiple objective linear programming problem using DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh, N Shoja, G Tohidi
Journal of Operations Research Society of Japan 46 (2), 189-202      2003

The equivalence of some concepts in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, AA Foroughi
Far East Journal of Theoritical Statistics       

Inverse DEA under inter-temporal dependence using multiple-objective programming
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, S Ghobadi
European Journal of Operational Research 240 (2), 447-456      2015

Centralized resource allocation with MOLP structure
R Shamsi, GR Jahanshahloo, MR Mozaffari, FH Lotfi
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7 (9), 1297-13060       2014

A full ranking for decision making units using ideal and anti-ideal points in DEA
A Barzegarinegad, G Jahanshahloo, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh
The Scientific World Journal 2014     2014

Centralized resource allocation for connecting radial and nonradial models
A Mirsalehy, MR Abu Bakar, GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, ...
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014      2014

Evaluation progress and regress of balanced scorecards by multi-stage malmquist productivity index
F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Vaez-Ghasemi, ...
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 30 (5), 345-354     2013

ANN-DEA Integrated Approach for Sensitivity Analysis in Efficiency Models
L Karamali, A Memariani, GR Jahanshahloo
Iranian Journal of Operations Research 4 (1), 14-24    2013

Measuring Human development index with Malmquist productivity index group performance in DEA
BR Parchikolaei, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, AA Noora
Journal of Data Envelopment Analysis and Decision Science 2013, 1-12      2013

A new approach for the facility layout design in manufacturing systems
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, H Abbasian, S Abbasian-Naghneh
Life Science Journal 10 (1), 1097-8135     2013

Using DEA-neural network approach to solve binary classification problems
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, S Givehchi, M Vaez-Ghasemi
Journal of Data Envelopment Analysis and Decision Science 2013, 1-12      2013

Returns to scale and scale elasticity in two-stage DEA
M Khaleghi, G Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, FH Lotfi
Mathematical and Computational Applications 17 (3), 193-202      2012

A method for discriminating efficient candidates with ranked voting data by common weights
G Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Khanmohammadi, M Kazemimanesh
Mathematical and Computational Applications 17 (1), 1-8       2012

Numerical solution of functional integral equations by using B-splines
R Firouzdor, A Heidarnejad Khoob, Z Mollaramezani
Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra (JLTA) 1 (01), 45-53      2012

Obtaining a Unique Solution for Cross Efficiency in order to rank DMUs in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, R Fallahnejad
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics™ 25 (1), 86-97      2012

Meta Malmquist Index Based On Trade Offs Models in Data Envelopment Analysis
P Firoozi, G Jahanshahloo    2012

A Comment on: Computation of Efficient Targets in DEA Models with Production Trade-offs and Weight Restrictions
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, FH Lotfi, MRM Goudarzi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (20), 975-980  2012

Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index for Measuring Group Performance on Interval Data
BR Parchikolae, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotf
Advanced Materials Research 383, 4528-4534    2012

Using interactive multiobjective methods to solve multiple attribute decision making problems
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, S Abbasian-Naghneh
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (9), 298-308     2011

Preference score of units in the presence of ordinal data
GR Jahanshahloo, M Soleimani-Damaneh, A Mostafaee
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 39 (1), 214-221     2009

Modified model for finding unique optimal solution in data envelopment analysis
N Shoja, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo
International Mathematical Forum 3 (29), 1445-1450     2008

Finding suitable benchmark for inefficient commercial bank branches, application of DEA
M Navabakhsh, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, T Allahviranloo, FR Balf, ...
International Journal of Contemporary Mathematic Sciences 2 (4), 183-193     2007

Finding the Minimize Summation for Location of Facility in a Convex Set with Fuzzy Data
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, FR Balf, HZ Rezai
Applied Mathematical Sciences 16 (1), 749-759     2007

Quadratic Frontier for the Production Possibility Set in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, M Afzalinejad
Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (23), 3750-3755   2007

Undesirable Factors in Efficiency Evaluation with Interval Data
FH Lotfi, AA Noura, GR Jahanshahloo, Z Iravani
International Mathematical Forum 2 (64), 3155-3167     2007

The Congestion estimation of Personnel and Evaluation amount of its Discretionary Outputs in Banks of Iran on Application of DEA
A Divandari, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, FR Balf
International Mathematical Forum 1 (15), 723-732     2006

OR Theory and it’s Application Multi-Component Commercial Bank Branch Progress and Regress: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
A Divandari, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, H Nikoomaram, FR Balf
International Mathematical Forum 1 (33), 1635-1644       2006

Prioritization method for frontier DMUs: a distance-based approach
A Amirteimoori, G Jahanshahloo, S Kordrostami
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2004 (5), 395-407       2004

HZ Haghighi, S Adeli, FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo
MANAGEMENT 12 (4), 1311-1322         2016

The Directional Hybrid Measure of Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis
A Mirsalehy, M Rizam Abu Baker, L Soon Lee, GR Jahanshahloo
Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra (JLTA)         2015

List Of Journal Paper (s)

Utilizing Monte Carlo Method for Ranking Extreme Efficient Units in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zahedi-Seresht
Journal of New Researches in Mathematics 1 (1), 23-40         2015

The union-based Malmquist productivity change index
M Alibeik, MR Malkhalifeh, GR Jahanshahloo
Advances in Environmental Biology, 235-244         2014

Dynamic inverse dea in the presence of fuzzy data
S Ghobadi, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh
Advances in Environmental Biology, 139-152         2014

Review of the methods for evaluating congestion in DEA and computing output losses due to congestion
H Zare Haghighi, M Khodabakhshi, GR Jahanshahloo
International Journal of Industrial Mathematics 6 (1), 1-17         2014

Using C4. 5 algorithm for predicting efficiency score of DMUs in DEA
B Dalvand, G Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, MR Malkhalife
Advances in Environmental Biology, 473-477         2014

Estimation of Congestion in Free Disposal Hull Models Using Data Envelopment Analysis
M Abbasi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Rostamy-Malkhlifeh, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2014         2014

Computing Relative weights in AHP and Ranked Units in the Presence of Large Dimensionality of data set based on Orthogonal Gram Schmidt Technique
E Zanboori, FH Lotfi, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, G Reza
Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (21), 78-81         2014

Characterizing and finding full dimensional efficient facets in DEA: a variable returns to scale specification
MD Olyaie, I Roshdi, G Jahanshahloo, M Asgharian
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (9), 1453-1464         2014

Predicting the Efficiency of Decision-Making Unit by Using Piecewise Polynomial Extrapolation in Different Times
GR Jahanshahloo, M Naghavi, J Saeidian, H Azada
International Journal of Data Envelopment Analysis 1 (3), 151-158         2014

Using Enhanced Russell Model to Solve Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis Problems
GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2014         2014

Ranking DMUs based on efficiency stability
FH Lotfi, G Jahanshahloo, M Vaez-ghasemi, Z Moghaddas
African Journal of Business Management 8 (6), 211         2014

Groups performance ranking based on ineffi ciency sharing
M Momeni, GR Jahanshahloo, M Rostamy Malkhalifeh, S Razavi, ...
International Journal of Industrial Mathematics 5 (4), 387-395         2013

Progress and regression group performance in data envelopment analysis (DEA): An application of productivity Malmquist index
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, AA Noora, BR Parchikolaei
African Journal of Business Management 7 (19), 1894         2013

Clustering Decision Making Units in Data Envelopment Analysis by the Common Set of Weights
M Khanmohammadi, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lot, M Kazemimanesh
World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (9), 1262-1274         2013


An application of multi-component ranking in banks by context-dependent DEA for non-extreme efficient DMUs
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, M Vaez-ghasemi, Z Moghaddas
International Journal of Operational Research 18 (2), 171-187         2013

Approximation of Value Efficiency in DEA with Interval Scale Data
M Zohrehbandian, GR Jahanshahloo, H Abbasiyan     2013

Performance monitoring and showing the weakness of periodic assessment of data envelopment analysis
A Divandari, GR Jahanshahloo, F Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, M Keimasi, ...
International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management 3 (1), 70-89         2013
A New Bargaining Game Model for Measuring Performance of Two-Stage Network Structures
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, S Hemati, S Givehchi
International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering 1 (2), 27-39         2012

Evaluation and benchmarking of bank branches on two-level inputs and outputs: An application of MOLP and DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, FH Lotfi, M Khaleghi
acta computare 1, 41-55         2012

Finding Strong Defining Hyperplanes of Production Possibility Set with Interval Data
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, S Mehrabianb, P Zamania
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (4), 197-207         2012

An Evaluation of Sections Efficiency in Bo-ali and Arta Hospitals Using Data Envelopment Analysis
S Ebadi, GR Jahanshahloo
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (36), 1779-1789         2012

Corrigendum to “A cross-efficiency model based on super-efficiency for ranking units through TOPSIS approach and its extension to interval case”[Math. Comput. Model. 53 (2011) 1946–1955]
GR Jahanshahloo, M Khodabakhshi, FH Lotfi, MRM Goudarzi
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (11), 3210         2011

A study of discrete-time multi server retrial queue with finite population and fuzzy parameters
AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, SF Rashidi, MM Godarzi
African Journal of Business Management 5 (6), 2426         2011

GR Jahanshahloo, SM Mirdehghan and J. Vakili
ISI Thomson
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (2), 389-392         2011

An Approach using a Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Evaluating the Performance of Inefficient DMUs in DEA
GR Jahanshahloo, J Vakili, SM Mirdehghan
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (3), 450-461         2011

An Investigation of Different Types of Series Structural Models with Different Weights
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, E Aslanzadeh
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (16), 785-797         2011

Using AHP for Priority Determination in IDEA
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, FH Lotfi, M Khaleghi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (61), 3001-3010         2011

Obtaining a Unique Solution for the Cross Efficiency by Using the Lexicographic method
GR Jahanshahloo, R Fallahnejad
Iranian Journal of Optimization 2 (3), 555-566         2010

Characterization of efficient points of the production possibility set under variable returns to scale in DEA
H Lotfi, AA Noora, GR Jahanshahloo, J Gerami, MR Mozaffari
Iranian Journal of Operations Research 2 (1), 50-61         2010

The cost and income efficiency models with MOLP structure
GR Jahanshahloo, MR Mozaffari, Z Sobhan
Iranian Journal of Optimization 2 (1), 350-358         2010


Investigation of the Regularity Conditions in Data Envelopment Analysis
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, AG Abri, MF Jelodar
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (8), 3622-3634         2010


A generalized model in presence undesirable factors
FH Lotfi, GR Jahanshahloo, MA Namin, Z Iravani
International Mathematical Forum 2 (9), 403-412         2007

DEA Efficiency Analysis with Identifying Efficient and Full-Inefficient Frontier
GR Jahanshahloo, M Zohrehbandian, FH Lotfi, M Ghadimi, MA Namin, ...
International Mathematical Forum 64 (2)         2007

Finding the Piecewise Linear Frontier Production Function in DEA with Interval Data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, FR Balf, P Zamani
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci 2 (12), 571-580         2007

A buyer-seller game model for selection and negotiation of purchasing bids on interval data
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, S Razmian
International Mathematical Forum 1 (33), 1645-1657         2006

A Method for Solving 0-1 Multiple Objective Programming Problem Using Data Envelopment Analysis Technique
GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, N Shoja, G Tohidi
Mathematical and Computational Applications 9 (2), 147-156         2004

World 21 (1), 1274.39         2004
Personnel Designation to Achieve a Relatively Hypothetical, Desired Situation Using DEA in the Bank Mellat Iran
A Divandari, M Mahmodi, GR Jahanshahloo, FH Lotfi, VB Taleghani, ...

Sensitivity analysis of extreme efficient decision making units in DEA
S Daneshvar, GR Jahanshahloo, A Memariani, SS Mohtadi
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 5 (3), 195-201         2002

Orthogonalization Process or Finding a Basic Feasible Solution (BFS)
GR Jahanshahloo, S Abbasbandy
J. Sci., Teacher Training University 7 (1-2)         1996

Combination of Orthogonality and Simplex Method for Solving Linear Programming
GR Jahanshahloo, S Abbasbandy
J. Sc.(Islamic AZAD University) 2 (6)         1992
کلمات کلیدی

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