« فهرست منابع »
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[2] . Havard Gardner
[3] . Pennsylvania
[4] . Multiple intelligence
[5] . Alfred Binet
[6] . Simon
[7] . Terman
[8] . Stanford
[9] . Merrill
[10] . Wechsler
[11] Hebb
[12] . Uniform curriculum
[13] . idiots savents
[14] . Prodigies
[15] . neurological
[16] . Psychometric
[17] . Bodily- kinesthethic intelligence
[18] . Interpersonal intelligence
[19] . extrovert
[20] . verobal – linguistic intelligence
[21] Logical- Mathematical intelligence
[23]. abstraction
[24] . deductive
[25] . intrapersonal
[26]. intrespective
[27] . self- reflective
[28] . introverts
[29] . spatial intelligence
[30] . Spotial judgment
[31] . musical intelligence
[32] . naturalistic intelligence
[33] . spiritual
[34] . moral
[35] . existential
[36] . ability
[37] . Strenberg
[38] . Eysenk
[39] . Scar
[40] . cognitive science
[41] . cognitive capacity
[42] . disciplinary mastery
[43] . constrained choices
[44] . Self - steem
[45] . Flow
[46] . insightful evalution
[47] . intellectual relativism